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Thursday, 25 June 2009

Windows 7 Pricing unveiled.

Estimated U.S. retail pricing for Windows 7 is described below.
Upgrade Windows 7:
Home Premium: $119.99
Windows 7 Professional: $199.99
Windows 7 Ultimate: $219.99
Full-packaged Windows 7:
Windows 7 Home Premium: $199.99
Windows 7 Professional: $299.99
Windows 7 Ultimate: $319.99

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Microsoft Morro

Morro - Free Anti-virus software from Microsoft

Microsoft is internally testing its free anti-virus software, codenamed Morro, adding that a beta version would be made available via its website. This release signal a distinct change in Microsoft's approach to the security market. Windows Live OneCare, failed to attract a major audience, MS announced plans to discontinue OneCare on June 30th 2009.
As a basic freeware security solution, Morrow will pose a threat to the livelihood of paid solutions.
Symantec shares fell 0.5 percent on Nasdaq and McAfee fell 1.3 percent on New York stock exchange, while Microsoft was up 2.1 percent.
Microsoft has said it will provide protection from several types of malicious software including viruses, spyware, rootkits and trozans.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

HTML 5.0

During the last 10years, while there have been no significant changes to HTML 4.01 specification, we njoyed a season of relative prosperity. Let's see what are the new things HTML 5.0 brings.

HTML 4.1
HTML 4.01 already celebrated is 10 th birthday in sept of 2008 and this is the language became a delivery mechanism for our applications and web pages. Browsers have become effectively standardized and the pace of web development has seen numerous changes.

HTML 5.0 seeks to address those issues by making the web much more friendly to applictaions and rich media capabilities such as sound, video and even rudimentary animation.

Cool new features.
With HTML 5.0 new elements such as

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Google Squared

Google Squared, a new product from Google labs, demonstrated three weeks ago, a search engine that creates structured data from warehouse of information and lets users compare various things by their various/custom attributes. It's really a great idea, in reality.
Cons are very hard to imagine using Squared regularly, but a great idea we'll see where it goes.

Very impressive that when you request a square for a concept Google is unfamiliar with, you're prompted to offer upto five examples and builds the data set for you.

Have a look on Google Squared @ Google Squared

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Microsoft StickySorter

Forgotten to do something...? And, do you have a habit of writing sticky notes...This tool is for you..
Microsoft StickySorter is a Grassroots project, developed by two MS employees, that can be used to manage daily challenges...The result of their effort met their complex needs, supports virtual collaboration...

Specialities are Import and Export in csv format, Create and label groups, display structured information and creating custom views...

Check this video @ StickySorter
Download @ StickySorter